Southern Oregon: Success For Small Businesses!

At CRT, we understand that rebuilding a community comes in various modes and stages, and that this applies perhaps most to areas affected by wildfires. It’s important that people left homeless or bewildered have support. It’s also very encouraging for them to see a community building back.

This is where small businesses play a major role. In many communities, small businesses, whether coffee shops, donut shops, craft shops, or hardware stores, provide a gathering place full of friendly faces, helpful people and good conversation. When these anchors are swept away, it increases the sense of dislocation and isolation, for owners as well as their patrons. But there is good news to report. Recently, Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development Foundation, Inc. (SOREDI), announced awards for 44 businesses impacted by the 2020 Labor Day fires in Jackson County.

Approximately $100,000 was raised by SOREDI—fueled largely by private sector donations—and handed out in the form of direct checks to businesses. Grants were awarded to eligible businesses based on demonstrated need, and ranged from $500 to $7,500…contributions designed to fill gaps and boost those just getting by.

Eligible businesses included those who suffered loss of their customer base due to the wildfires, or those who sustained physical loss and could certify that they planned to rebuild. Grant monies received had to be used specifically for business purposes.

 The SOREDI Foundation received 61 applications, and was able to fund the majority of them. This also demonstrates that much more support is needed, as many other small businesses have disappeared or have been unable to come back quickly. As a partner in wildfire recovery, CRT salutes SOREDI for its strong advocacy of businesses affected by the wildfires and continue to look for additional resources.nSometimes a welcoming jingle of a bell in a shop is just what you need to brighten your day!


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