CRT Celebrates Spring at the Pear Blossom

Just in time for spring dawns Southern Oregon’s favorite parade, the Pear Blossom, which came back strong last year after the Covid Close-down and promises to be more impressive and joyous this year.

Since 1954, tens of thousands of parade lovers have cherished the Pear Blossom Parade. Growing from a small contingency of local kids pulling wagons the Annual Parade is now southern 
Oregon’s largest.

The Pear Blossom Parade has grown from 20 wagons and youngsters in the first event to today’s 150 entries with 4000 participants and 25-30,000 enthusiasts lining the parade route.

At Cascade Relief, we are proud to participate in our second straight year at the Parade. We have found it’s a fantastic way to bond with the community and to get the message out about what we do. On the flip side, we found ourselves responding and sharing with the many families and individuals who stopped by our booth and told their own tales of wildfire damage and recovery.

In keeping with that spirit, we will have a booth again this year, with  custom balloon animals for the children – some of you may remember that from last year – information, and, as always, tips on wildfire safety. 

Community and family will have their place here!

There are many events scattered through the celebration, from pageants to cornhole tournaments.

The main event, however, the Parade, is April 8th, 2023 at 11 am in Downtown Medford.

Feel free to contact or 541-840-8007 for more information.

The parade starts at Beatty & Central, proceeds down Central Avenue, turns right onto West Main Street and begins dispersing at Mistletoe.

Parking to view parade will be the side streets surrounding the parade route.

Feel free to stop by our booth for refreshments, a treat, or information. See you there!

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Spring Has Sprung…Let’s Dig In Carefully!